A short portrait of Rittersporn

For more than 25 years we have been active in the top third of the reenactment scene
(also known as living history or "playing knights and such").

Heat, cold, storms and rain, even hail and snow won’t stop us.
We enjoy our hobby!

The only thing is that we have become more selective in our choice of events over the years.
But when we feel like it, we're up for (almost) all kind of fun

If we nevertheless got you interested, you will find more detailed information about the historic periods we present below.
You can find out what else we have to offer to.

  • We present ...
the late LaTène period
We are in the late Iron Age with the Celts, also known as Gauls. That's right! Asterix and Obelix! Only WE orientate ourselves on predominantly regional finds & archaeological findings - but also look beyond the horizon. No! Shield & sword do not make a knight - that comes later!
  • We show and explain...
the late LaTène period
  • Celtic warriors, their equipment & various fighting techniques
  • Different crafts, numerous tools & materials
  • Druids, the Celtic religion & mythology
  • Everyday objects, recipes & much more
  • We present ...
the time of the crusades
Yes, now we are with the knights! The pinnacle of knightly thinking, their display of power & courtly culture. And now comes the big disappointment - no plate armour yet; just chain mail and stuff like that. If you're looking for "tin cans", you'll have to wait another 200 years or so. But there's a nasty surprise there too.
  • We show and explain...
the time of the crusades
  • High medieval fighters with their armour & weapons
  • Craftsmen in the train with their tools & techniques
  • Housing and living conditions in a field camp
  • Siege engines, everyday objects & much more
  • We present ...
the late Middle Ages
Ha! Plate armour at last - but only townspeople and mercenaries are wearing it! Nothing but problems during this period: first religious fanatics from Bohemia, then our nobles tearing each other apart and finally the Hungarians in Vienna! And the infantry seized power. Where is this going to lead!
  • We show and explain...
the late Middle Ages
  • The fighting troops with their armour & weapons
  • Various authentic guns in full function
  • Exercising, black powder handling and military tactics
  • Camp life and craftsmanship in the late Middle Ages
  • We present ...
the time of the Landsknechte
    Well, now we know where it led: to the Landsknechts - rough, brutal mercenaries, without whom "the last knight" Emperor Maximilian I would have looked sad. But they do look great in their battered clothes. I'm telling you: history is crazy ... and we're right in the thick of it!
  • We show and explain...
the time of the Landsknechte
  • The mercenary troop with suitable equipment around the year 1500
  • Multiple authentic guns in full function
  • Battle tactics and the use of artillery
  • Life as a mercenary during the dawn of the new age

The repertoire of Rittersporn

In addition to the presentation of several epochs - Celts, High Middle Ages, Late Middle Ages and Landsknechte - a comprehensive view of our history is important to us. How did a certain group of people live at a certain time and in a certain place - that is a particular concern of ours! Fortunately, our history is not just about war, battle and death -
... and that's exactly what we at Rittersporn want to show and explain!

We do not see ourselves purely as a show fighting force that is limited to weapons, armour and fighting techniques of a certain era - Rittersporn offers more !!!

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Camp life & Craftsmanship

Since humans have settled down, they have begun to specialise within society. Whether fighting, hunting, crafts, agriculture or education - every community has its experts!

We purposefully depict a varied group of people as they might have lived together in a Celtic village or a medieval encampment. What does such a camp look like, what do you need when you are travelling as a group, often for years? Who takes on which tasks in the community and why?

Our experts present their very specialised knowledge and diverse skills - be it cooking or blacksmithing, weaving or pottery making, camp building or weapon maintenance.

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Historic equipment & realia

Every era has its own weapons, armour, garments, tools and everyday objects. But why are these objects so characteristic of a particular era, region or group?

We like to use the objects we have meticulously researched and selected to explain their appearance and function, the materials used, their historical development and who used them how, when and where. What special features do these objects have and how can they be distinguished from others that may look very similar?

That's exactly what you'll learn from us! In addition, we always have objects for you to touch, wear and try out - ideal for anyone who wants to experience history up close!

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Guns & siege engines

In addition to man-to-man combat, throwing- and siege engines, and later increasingly firearms and cannons, often played a decisive role in historical conflicts.

This war equipment undeniably caused a great deal of suffering and massive damage! Nevertheless, in most cases these objects are based on - historically speaking - outstanding engineering achievements and great craftsmanship. We explain how these machines were constructed, how they worked and how and where they were used.

In addition to models, we also have our own trebuchet, an onager, several fully functional historical firearms and cannons, which we are happy to explain and show in action!

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Historical fencing & fighting techniques

Whether long sword or long knife, awl pike or halberd, dagger or dirk - history has produced many weapons and just as many ways to use them.

Over the centuries many fencing masters have written down their knowledge of the best and most efficient fencing and fighting techniques in historical fencing books. In illustrations and texts, they have passed on essential information about the historical use of various types of weapons.

In our weekly training sessions, we analyse these historical works, try out the techniques described in them in practice and then use them for our performances.

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Show fight & choreography

We have been studying, trying out, training and practising historical fencing and fighting techniques for many years. We would like to pass on this knowledge.

Our basic seminars are perfect to give interested parties insight into the beginnings. In addition, we also create specialised choreographies for theatre and film productions. We then work on these with the actors in special showcase training sessions and perfect techniques and sequences for the respective project.

You can also contact us directly for productions. We are happy to help with our equipment, our skills and our knowledge!

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Showpieces & fire shows

It is interesting to acquire a large repertoire of historical fighting and fencing techniques, but it would be boring not to demonstrate these skills in front of an audience!

At many of our performances, we therefore prefer to pack our knowledge into showpieces that we have designed ourselves. From the fiery duel or the wild brawl between two fighters, the loud argument between two gunnery master’s or the ritual cremation of a celtic noble woman - there is always an exciting story to tell!

Depending on the occasion, we use a wide variety of weapons and fighting techniques in our stories or show impressive fights with fire and smoke!

The training at Rittersporn

The most important cornerstone of our club is our weekly training sessions. Whether it's working on and trying out new historical fencing and fighting techniques or deepening our knowledge in direct duels. Whether it's developing and rehearsing new choreographies and showpieces or focussing on our physical condition and fitness.

In any case, our training is THE very centre of our club and at the same time the starting point for many group activities that are simply about getting together and having fun with dear friends!

We are always happy to welcome new people who are interested in our performances and other activities and who we would like to actively encourage to visit our training sessions, attend one of our basic seminars and get to know us better!

A brief overview of our training areas may help you decide:

Some references of Rittersporn

We have been active in the re-enactment scene for many years and have been active co-creators of various events on numerous occasions - whether at museum events, medieval festivals, schools or film shoots. With our broad repertoire, the historical authenticity of our performances and our equipment, our attention to detail and above all our enthusiasm for what we do and the desire to pass on our knowledge, we have been able to impress and inspire audiences at many engagements in recent years.

Here is a small selection of events from recent years:

Nacht der keltischen Feuer

MAMUZ - Schloss Asparn/Zaya (AUT)

Montur & Pulverdampf

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Vienna (AUT)

40.000 BC: Mammutjäger, Kelten & Co.

MAMUZ - Schloss Asparn/Zaya (AUT)

Ritt|er|leben - Mittelalterfest

Schloss Jedenspeigen (AUT)

Südtiroler Ritterspiele

Churburg - Schluderns (ITA)

Ritter & Kanonen

Burg Lockenhaus (AUT)

So ein Tag im Mittelalter ...

Gymnasium Sacré Coeur Vienna (AUT)

Tag des offenen Burgtors

Burg Grub near Horn (AUT)

Historischer Karneval

Szombathely (HUN)

Historisches Burgfest

Burghausen (GER)

La bataille d'Azincourt - 1415

Azincourt (FRA)

Die Schlacht bei Tannenberg

Grunewald/Tannenberg (POL)
